Virtual data rooms protect important company files. Many companies utilize these services for dealmaking, compliance, or  organizing their workload. However, before a business starts using this kind of software solution, they first need to choose one that best fits their needs and make a virtual data room comparison. One of the most significant factors to consider while searching through virtual data room providers is its price.

How do virtual data rooms charge?

Virtual data room pricing varies among providers. But the underlying principles affecting a provider’s pricing structure is the way a customer uses the virtual data room. In general, most provider plans charge in one of four ways:

  1. Data Pricing: the amount of data used inside of the virtual data room 
  2. User Pricing: the number of people using the virtual data room 
  3. Page Pricing: the number of pages uploaded to the data room
  4. Flat Plan: a flat fee for all of your virtual data room needs 

Before choosing a virtual data room provider, it is important to take into account use cases of the software solution. 

  • How much space is currently taken up by important company files, and how many people have access to them? 
  • Maybe a per-page plan would better suit a company’s needs if it only stores and shares a couple of short documents? 
  • Or perhaps if business is booming,  flat-fee pricing may work out best? 

Whatever the case, these are the most common factors affecting virtual data room pricing. 

What are additional features that impact a virtual data room’s price?

Comparison of different data rooms suggestions

Apart from the main pricing plan, and depending on the factors mentioned above, there are also some tools in the virtual data room that often cost extra. 

  • Unlimited users. Many virtual data rooms allow for unlimited users — even for their least expensive plans. However, data is most likely limited.
  • Project management. The amount of projects in a virtual data room also influences the solution’s price. Therefore, apart from the number of projects allowed in a virtual data room, check if the provider offers a project management tool.
  • Advanced search and analytics. Features like full-text search or progress tracking are also paid extras  only available from a few virtual data room providers.
  • Document heatmap. This feature allows admins to see exactly what a user focuses on in a document, so they’ll know what interests them most. 


The number of software solution features is what most affects pricing. For virtual data rooms, the basic features include the number of users, storage capacity, or the number of pages in a document. However, some providers charge a flat fee for all of the tools inside of the virtual environment. 

After deciding  which software provider  best fits the company’s needs, check to see which additional features impact the price. These additional tools may serve the business well. Making a virtual data room price comparison is the best way to see how providers stack up against each other.

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